Release Date: September 2010
Publisher: Siren Bookstrand
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance, Menage, May-December Length: 47K
Heat Level: Erotic
Buy Links: http://www.bookstrand.com/lynnes-love-triangle, Amazon, Barnes & Noble
About the book:
Lynne had to videotape the supernova hot sex the night she landed two men in her bed because she knew it would never happen again. Kurt is sweet and sexy. Troy is dominating and masterful. Both of her new lovers fulfill her better than her deepest fantasy man. How could she pick just one? Will it make a difference that they are both over twenty years younger than her? Will the flames of their desire burn out after this single night of passion is over?
And more importantly, can her new lovers pull together when it really counts and protect her from a crazy stalker trying to kill her? Only time will tell.
Click here to read a sample! http://www.bookstrand.com/lynnes-love-triangle
You can read my co-writer Missy Lyon's take on the story here, where she's also included some fun facts about Elvis: http://missylyons.com/elvis-makes-three-fun.
http://dirtygirlreviews.blogspot.com/2010/09/lynnes-love-triangle-by-cherie-denis.html: "I found it to be totally enjoyable and full of adventure, love, and enough suspense to keep us on the edge of our seat to see Lynne get her happily ever after with the two loves of her life," says Dirty Girl Reviews.
http://hea-reviews.blogspot.com/2010/10/review-lynnes-love-triangle-by-cherie.html: "I recommend Lynne’s Love Triangle by Cherie Denis and Missy Lyons it was so real on how many woman feel when they have been violated against their will. It truly makes you think of how can you cope with it and move on with your life and live normal again," says Monica from HEA Reviews.
Cherie's books are also available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other fine online bookstores near you.